There aren’t many, if any, rooms in the home that make a bigger statement than the kitchen. It’s a major social area in most people’s homes and is usually one of the first things guests see when they come by for a visit or a meal. Updating the appearance of your kitchen gives your immediate household and extended guests a beautiful and welcoming space to celebrate and socialize.
Deciding on how you want to approach redoing your kitchen can be difficult. Granite Pro, professionals in kitchen remodeling, has insight into some of the most popular kitchen improvements in 2021. Reach out to learn what’s trending and how it can best serve your own kitchen by calling 410.875.7579.
Sleek and Clean Look
As the lockdown restrictions are starting to lighten up in most parts of the country, the drive to want to update your kitchen can be overwhelmingly strong. You’ve had over a year to sit around and nitpick every little thing you dislike about your kitchen, and now it’s time to do something about it. One of the biggest trends of 2021, which is actually more of a continuation of the past few years, is the sleek and clean look – or what some may refer to as minimalist.
You can do a lot of things to achieve this look, but the most important is limiting your color selection – white and grays work great for this. The next thing you want to do is try and limit the amount of protruding handles and fixtures throughout the kitchen. This includes hiding your trash bin and appliances when possible.
A great way to achieve a sleek-looking kitchen this year is by installing a natural stone island or countertops. Soapstone is the leading choice for countertop materials in a kitchen like this, and after a few years, the darkness of the stone will perfectly contrast the light colors of the rest of the kitchen. A few popular materials include:
You see it everywhere, and the kitchen improvement trends of 2021 are no different. That’s right; we’re talking about eco-friendly kitchen improvements. This current trend is only expected to grow as time goes on.
The first and foremost thing you can do to keep your kitchen remodel eco-friendly is to use any existing materials you may have lying around. This can make it hard to keep a cohesive look, but you might be able to salvage countertops from somebody else’s remodel. A good place to keep an eye out for stuff like this is online community marketplaces and wholesale lumber and hardware stores.
If you don’t feel like salvaging your new kitchen but still want to keep it as eco-friendly as possible, there are plenty of options for that too. By ensuring you use responsibly sourced materials for your countertops, you can drastically reduce the carbon footprint of your kitchen improvements. Three of the best countertop materials to achieve this are as follows:
- Recycled glass
- Bamboo
- Responsibly harvested stone
All three of these materials have proven themselves to be great-looking and durable countertops, and you can expect to start seeing a lot more made from one of the three.
Integrated Appliances
Another major kitchen improvement trend of 2021 is the installation of integrated appliances. These appliances are designed to fit seamlessly in your kitchen as if the kitchen was built around them. By eliminating any unnecessary handles and remaining flush with cabinetry, integrated appliances are a great way to achieve that clean, minimalist look that is sure to captivate your visitors this year.
Granite Pro: Kitchen Remodeling Experts
Granite pro has been remodeling kitchens in Maryland for two generations. Contact us today to schedule your consultation so you can be on your way to having the trendiest kitchen in the neighborhood. Learn more about some of the most popular kitchen improvements by calling 410.875.7579, or contact us online.