If sustainability matters to you, you’ll surely enjoy the benefits of granite countertops.
In this article, we’ll first go over the sustainable qualities of granite, then touch briefly on the benefits of this stone in general.
Sustainability of Granite
Here are the top five reasons why granite is a sustainable choice:
1. Granite is a natural material.
There are plenty of countertop materials that don’t qualify as natural, like concrete and laminate, but granite is completely of the earth. There are no other resources needed to create the granite you use for your countertops.
When quarrying granite, no harmful toxins or chemicals are used, and the same can be said for when granite is in its finishing process. Unlike laminate, which goes through a long process that includes toxic manufacturing with resins and formaldehyde, granite’s process is completely safe—it does not produce emissions or any dangerous byproducts.
2. Granite is quarried locally and regionally.
Transportation is a major component to consider when thinking about sustainability because even sustainable materials create greenhouse gasses when they’re transported. But what’s nice about granite is the fact that it can be quarried locally and regionally. In most cases in the United States and Canada, there are natural stone quarry sites within five hundred miles of a building site. The United States is the top producer of granite in the world—our nation has 276 quarries throughout thirty-four states, which means the granite will never have to travel too far.
3. Granite is quarried sustainably.
The natural stone industry uses new technology that focuses on conserving natural resources, avoiding pollution, and minimizing waste when quarrying and fabricating granite. After the stone is removed from the earth, diamond saw wires are used to cut it into blocks. From there, a polisher grinds the rough surface into the smooth surface you know and love by using rotating pads. After that, routers cut edge profiles on the slab by using a spinning blade coated in diamonds.
4. Granite lasts forever.
Okay, granite might not last forever technically, but it does have the potential to last a lifetime if it’s taken care of the right way. By choosing granite, you’re automatically preventing landfill waste simply because granite has lasting power. Even though granite might be more expensive than other options up front, you’ll save money in the long run by never having to replace it.
5. Granite is recyclable.
If you do find yourself needing to replace your granite countertop, the old slab can be easily recycled. There are plenty of ways to salvage stone and recycle it to reduce energy, water, and resources used to create a brand-new product. Old stone materials are often used to create retaining walls, paver stones, and decorative stones for driveways, mosaics, and more.
Benefits of Granite Countertops
So, why choose granite countertops? Beyond their amazing sustainability, there are plenty more good qualities that granite has to offer. Take a look at these benefits of a granite countertop:
1. It stays tough against chips and scratches.
Granite is durable, which means it can hold its own against everyday wear and tear in the kitchen. Behind diamonds, granite is the second-hardest material in the world.
2. It’s affordable.
There are plenty of price options regarding granite, whether you’re on a tight budget or can afford to spend a little more. The price variation depends on slab thickness and installation costs.
3. It’s heat resistant.
Granite is formed under intense pressure and heat within the earth, which means it doesn’t blink an eye at hot pots and pans. While we recommend using trivets or potholders, you can rest easy knowing granite will not scorch under a hot kitchen item.
4. It’s stain resistant.
When granite is properly sealed, it’s highly stain resistant. Remember to clean up spills right away to avoid accidents, but if a spill does dry on granite’s surface, you can always carefully scrape it off with a razor blade or plastic scraper.
Why Choose Granite Countertops?
There’s more than enough to love about granite, its benefits, and its stability. To find out more about this amazing natural stone, come in and see us or contact GranitePro today.